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Fall 2024


Over the next couple of months, as you find time, consider cleaning out your sewing room. If you have fabric you’ve never used and likely never will, donate it. If you have extra rotary cutters, rulers, or other tools that you don’t use, donate those too. And if you have a sewing machine or serger sitting unused, consider donating it. Our technicians will service any donated machines to ensure they’re in great working order before finding them a new home.

A Stitch in Time will also be donating machines, fabric, supplies, patterns, and more, but we can’t meet the need alone. That’s why we’ll be collecting these items over the next few months to donate when the time is right. Our goal is to provide each person with fabric, thread, quilting supplies, notions, patterns, kits, and machines as they’re needed. We’ve also secured a storage space for organizing and staging these donations, thanks to a generous individual.

Please make sure all items are in good working condition and free of smoke or pet dander, as some recipients may have allergies. Quilters and sewists are a generous community, and we are so grateful for your help.

Additionally, we’d love to include a quilting gift card with each donation, so if you’d prefer to contribute a gift card, you can do so here.

Thank you in advance for your kindness and generosity.

Lynn & Kirk


Fall/Winter 2024/2023/2022

For the 3rd year in a row we are hosting a mitten drive for local elementary school children.

Looking for a quick new project and love to help others at the same time? We are sponsoring a mitten drive for school-age children and would love your help with this fun and super quick project! We are working with The Fiber Faerie in Franklin through their Warmth on Wheels program to make and distribute mittens to the school-age kids in the surrounding area during the winter months.

How to help?

How to help?
  • We have free kits in the shop with a pattern, template, and fleece to make 2 pairs of mittens. Grab a kit, take it home, make the mittens, and then return the finished mittens to the shop.
  • Download this free pattern and use your own fle1ece (see other fabric suggestions below) to make one or more pair of mittens. Make the medium or large sizes only. The small is too small.
  • If you don't have time to sew, bring us your clean, smoke-free, fleece and we will find volunteers to sew the mittens.
  • Hats and muffs also accepted.
  • Acceptable fabrics: fleece, wool, upcycled wool blankets or wool sweaters, sherpa, and leather.
Mittens accepted anytime, but we would love to get our first delivery to Kaylee's closest by mid- to late- October so they can get the mittens ready for distribution before our first frost date not yet in the forecast but probably before the end of the month.

Please let us know if you have any questions, and thanks so much for your help!

2022 Mittens Collected: ~300
2023 Mittens Collected: ~140
2024 Mittens Collected: Let's beat 2022! 106 as of 10/16/24

Thanks to you we collected $1000 of gift cards for distribution to Foster Families in the Western NC area. As a shop, we gave away 180 yards of fabric to those that contributed. Thanks so much for your help!

Spring 2024
In honor of my birthday (April 30), we are having a gift card drive for Kaylee's Closet. The gift card drive event starts now and runs through the end of May, or until we run out of fabric we have set aside for this event.

How does it work?
Buy a $20 gift card from Walmart, Food Lion, or Dollar General and drop it by the shop ($20 cash works too). When you drop off the gift card or cash (no credit cards) you get to choose 4 yds of fabric that we have precut for this purpose. We have fabric already cut into 1, 2, 3, & 4 yard cuts. Choose one 4-yard piece, choose a 3yd & a 1yd piece (3+1=4), choose two 2yd pieces (2+2=4), or choose four 1yd pieces (1+1+1+1=4). The choice is yours!

At the end of May, all gift cards and money raised will go to Kaylee's Closet to support foster families in Western NC. You can read more about Kaylee's Closet here.

If you want to contribute online, click this link. ($1 goes to credit card/paypal processing fee)
Why is the mission of Kaylee's Closest near and dear to my heart?
My sister and brother-in-law were foster parents for 31 children spanning 11 years, ages ranging from newborn to teenage moms, and then eventually adopted 4 of the kids they fostered. I met many of the children my sister and husband fostered and they were smart, funny, creative, caring, sweet and everything else children are but they each needed a supportive family to help them be their best. Some needed help just for a little while and then were reunited with their parents, others were transitory and placed with family members, and still others needed a more permanent solution. My nieces and nephews are some of the smartest and most engaging children I ever met, but they needed people like my sister and brother-in-law to help bring out the best in them. The foster system isn't perfect, but it is extremely important to support not only the children, but also those who offer their homes, hands, and hearts to these children.

We all win
- You get fabric!
- Kaylee's Closest is able to support more foster families in Western NC
- We clear out room in the shop for new fabric

PLEASE HELP us make this a successful event for Kaylee's Closet. Together we can make a difference!

Make a Difference 2021
Congratulations! You made 55 drawstring bags for foster children along with all the goodies to fill them!
Thank you to Kaylee’s Closet for picking them up and distributing them to the kids!

The Event           Pattern           Fill a Bag   
A Stitch in Time and Baby Lock are teaming up to support foster children and teens in our community.
There are several ways you can 
Join us in making tote bags for carrying belongings. 
Click on which way you can make a difference!